Tuesday, July 6, 2010

You know your the minority when...

We went into a WalMart today, still in Natchez, MS. You have got to get this picture. In Super WalMart, I think I saw 2 other white people. The rest are Black. I went into the restroom and was having some difficulty getting the auto sensors on the faucets to come on. There were 2 little black girls about 7 or 8 years old washing theirs hands, too, but the faucets were working just fine for them, so the youngest one generously offered for me to use hers. She then looked up at me and said:
"Maybe they don't work for white people!" Seriously?! Of course, that was it!
I wanted to get her picture for being so clever. But, I decided that cameras, small children, bathrooms and WalMart was not a good combination to a casual observer, so I refrained.
That's okay. I don't think I ever could forget the face of the cutest little 7 year old inside a Mississippi WalMart bathroom. Until next time.....


  1. ok that is funny, when we were in New Orleans we were on a street and I would have fit in better had I been carrying a watermelon hollering "ya-huh going over to satisha's porch and havin' some melon"! havin' fun?

  2. oh wow. I've got to adopt a black kid one day.

  3. Honestly...in a post-racial America? I'm shocked that Wal*Mart would condone such obvious bias. Of course that's par for the course for a money-hungry faceless corporation that won't even pay a living wage. Time out, I need to go wash my Prius.
