Thursday, July 15, 2010

The next day in Amish territory

I took a picture of this sign because I never want to forget the most delicious homemade ice cream we had there. Their little store is right by their house and barn and we were waited on by some nice teen aged Amish girls. There were hymns playing and verses framed on the walls. Of course I wanted some pictures inside, but my better judgement took over and I didn't even try to sneak. I have more respect for Amish teenagers than I do for grown ups playing Elvis. (if confused, refer back to my first blog entry.)
Wouldn't this make a neat set of cards? This mailbox was RIGHT beside the road, making it easy to get a good shot.

Can you see the laundry on the line? It was raining like crazy and they were all wet. We figured they just get rinsed good before they eventually dry out. We saw lots of laundry hanging on lines, even in the rain.

This is the same place but zoomed out. One thing we noticed back there is that the farms were very close to the roads. Also, everything was neat and tidy. I guess they really do believe that "cleanliness is next to godliness." They are very good with flowers, too. Lots of the homes have beautiful flower gardens all around the house. On our drive we stopped at a house that advertised "Lapp's Toys". (small sign) We went in and it was fairly dark inside considering it was a very rainy day and the fact that these Amish were very strict about no electricity. There were the neatest things for children in the shop. There were wooden pull toys, Amish clothes that would fit the American Girl doll, handmade high chairs, cradles, well, you get the picture. We had to splurge a little on The Grandchildren....:)

1 comment:

  1. Awe, I'm sure the grandchildren will be thrilled! And I'm a little bummed that you were using your common sense when choosing your photo ops, but I suppose I'm glad - for Brooke's sake anyways ;)
